College Students Working to Learn At the heart of just about any non-profit organization is a sizable portion of unpaid labor. Of course the core staff members receive a salary and employment benefits—and appropriately so—but the success of a great organization is, in large part, the result of a volunteer workforce. Student interns from local colleges and universities represent an indispensable resource of donated work for Gemeinschaft Home. Whether on a semester- or year-long basis, both undergraduate and graduate students earn course credits working in a variety of contexts within the organization. For example, graduate students fulfill practicum hours working with residents on the counseling side of the program or help to collect data for research and statistical analysis purposes. The cohort of student interns currently working at Gemeinschaft Home is a unique mix of undergraduate and graduate students from a range of academic backgrounds and institutions. Each student brings dedication and skill, while gaining real-world experience the opportunity to grow, and the residents and staff are grateful for their commitment. Spring 2016 Interns Heather Baker James Madison University Undergraduate—major: accounting/minor: psychology Administrative/bookkeeping Rebecca Bellinger Bridgewater College Undergraduate—major: sociology/minor: criminal justice Clerical/entering case notes J.W. Gordon Blue Ridge Community College Undergraduate—transfer program Group sessions/resident referrals Comments are closed.
December 2024